This photo is courtesy of a friend from Santa Barbara.
Sure Saturday's may be for the boys, but they can also be for the bees as well. Frat bros can celebrate both being hung over on a Sunday as well as repping life to those who keep them alive in the first place. A couple years back I performed my first rescue as a lifeguard on a bee, and of my three total rescues, saving that bee was my best rescue. I am sure that the humans I saved would agree as well. A bee's life is important because with every bumble boy saved, a flower can be pollinated, and faith can be restored in the future of humanity.
Next time you see a bee, wish it well and don't kill it, because if you do, you're putting your own life at risk.
I guess this falls in the category of "other media" cuz this isn't really sports related. Anyways, I appreciate how this writer shows more deep, genuine care for the important issues than life than any other writer or analyst at CBS sports. Especially not those assholes at Yahoo SPorts